A couple of weeks ago, a new API operation was added to Amazon's
SimpleDB service: QueryWithAttributes. This operation makes it possible
to retrieve all the attribute data for SimpleDB items that match a
query. Previously, to retrieve item attributes it was necessary to
perform a Query request, then perform follow-up GetAttributes requests
for each result item returned by the service.
In this post, I will show how to extend the SimpleDB ruby client
implementation from my book Programming Amazon Web Services
(O'Reilly 2008) to support this new operation, and give some usage
Let's start by adding a new method query_with_attributes
to the
SimpleDB Ruby sample code (available from
http://examples.oreilly.com/9780596515812/). Edit the file
ruby/SimpleDB.rb and add the following method definition after the
existing query
method. If the code below looks wonky in your browser,
you can download a file instead
def query_with_attributes(domain_name, query_expression=nil,
attribute_names=[], options={:fetch_all=>true})
more_items = true
next_token = nil
items = []
while more_items
parameters = build_query_params(API_VERSION, SIGNATURE_VERSION,
'Action' => 'QueryWithAttributes',
'DomainName' => domain_name,
'QueryExpression' => query_expression,
'MaxNumberOfItems' => options[:max_items],
'NextToken' => next_token
'AttributeName' => attribute_names,
xml_doc = do_sdb_query(parameters)
xml_doc.elements.each('//Item') do |item_node|
item = {'name' => item_node.elements['Name'].text}
attributes = {}
item_node.elements.each('Attribute') do |attribute_node|
attr_name = attribute_node.elements['Name'].text
value = attribute_node.elements['Value'].text
if respond_to? :decode_attribute_value
# Automatically decode attribute values if the method
# decode_attribute_value is available in this class
value = decode_attribute_value(value)
# An empty attribute value is an empty string, not nil.
value = '' if value.nil?
if attributes.has_key?(attr_name)
attributes[attr_name] << value
attributes[attr_name] = [value]
item['attributes'] = attributes
items << item
if xml_doc.elements['//NextToken']
next_token = xml_doc.elements['//NextToken'].text.gsub("\n","")
more_items = options[:fetch_all]
more_items = false
return items
The QueryWithAttributes
operation works almost exactly like the
SimpleDB service's Query
operation, except it includes item attributes
in the result. You can optionally specify exactly which attributes to
retrieve using the attributes
parameter, or leave this empty to
retrieve all item attributes.
Continuing on from the stock quote database example in my book, here is
the command you would issue to retrieve the records for days on which
more than 70 million Apple stocks were traded. Notice that I am taking
advantage of the new sorting capabilities of SimpleDB to retrieve
ordered results:
irb> query = "['Volume' > '#{sdb.encode_integer(70000000)}'] sort 'Volume'"
irb> sdb = SimpleDB.new
irb> sdb.query_with_attributes('stocks', query)
=> [{"name"=>"AAPL-2007-07-26T00:00:00Z",
"Date"=>[Thu Jul 26 00:00:00 UTC 2007],
"Adjusted Close"=>[146.0]}},
. . .
If you were only interested in the Open and Close attribute values, you
could tell the service to include only these attributes in the results:
irb> sdb.query_with_attributes('stocks', query, attributes=['Open','Close'])
It is a good idea to retrieve only the attributes you really need,
because the SimpleDB service limits each response message to 1 MB and
you will get more results in fewer requests if you reduce the amount of
data you are asking for.
The QueryWithAttributes
operation makes it much easier to use SimpleDB
because you no longer need to perform follow-up queries to retrieve
attribute data. However, there may be a price to pay for this
convenience so be sure to run some tests before converting your
applications. It may turn out that, in some circumstances, you can
retrieve results more quickly using the Query/GetAttributes approach
with multiple request threads on your client, than you can using the
QueryWithAttributes operation.
In early forum discussion it looks like the new operation is both
the easiest and fastest way to perform queries, but results may vary
depending on how you use the service, your dataset, and your network
If you are using SimpleDB with a large data set or complex queries, try
the new operation and discuss your experiences on the forum so we can
gain a better idea of the strengths and weaknesses (if any) of
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