AWS Security Update: Signature Version 2 for AWS Query APIs


Amazon has announced an improved request signature protocol for authenticating HTTP requests sent to SimpleDB, to Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), or to the Simple Queue Service (SQS). The new protocol, version 2, fixes a security flaw in the version 1 signature algorithm.

The security flaw was identified by Colin Percival, who describes it in detail in his article AWS signature version 1 is insecure. As he says:

If you are making Query (aka REST) requests to Amazon SimpleDB, to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), or to Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) over HTTP, and there is any way for an attacker to provide you with data which you use to construct your request, switch to HTTPS or start using AWS signature version 2 now.

The good news is that your application will not be vulnerable to this problem if it meets any of these conditions:

Regardless of whether or not your application is currently vulnerable, if it uses the Query API interfaces you should start updating your libraries or code immediately to use the version 2 signature because the old version will be phased out by October 2009. While you are thinking about security, Amazon has provided the article Making Secure Requests to Amazon Web Services which contains recommendations for making secure requests to Amazon Web Services for all interfaces.

If you need to adjust your application code to use version 2 signatures, read on to see some example code.

In my book Programming Amazon Web Services (O’Reilly 2008) I demonstrate how to build clients that interact with Amazon's Query API interfaces. Let's look at the ruby code for the AWS class that generates version 1 signatures, and see how to adjust it to work with the new version 2 protocol. (The book's sample code is available in Ruby, Python and Java flavours from Jump to the end of this post to download the modified AWS class file).

Version 1 Query Signatures

It was very easy to generate the version 1 signature for AWS Query requests. Give a hash map of request parameters, it was simply a matter of sorting the parameters alphabetically (ignoring case) and merging them into a string before applying the SHA encryption algorithm. Here is the original signature generation code:

req_desc = parameters.sort {|x,y| x[0].downcase <=> y[0].downcase}.to_s
signature = generate_signature(req_desc)

Version 2 Query Signatures

There are six key differences for generating version 2 signatures, most (but not all...) of which are described in Amazon's documentation for authenticating SimpleDB REST requests:

Here is some ruby code that follows these rules and generates a version 2 signature. It also takes advantage of the new support for the SHA 256 encryption algorithm:

# Use the strongest HMAC algorithm: SHA 256
parameters['SignatureMethod'] = 'HmacSHA256'

# Sort, and encode parameters into a canonical string.
sorted_params = parameters.sort {|x,y| x[0] <=> y[0]}
encoded_params = sorted_params.collect do |p|
  encoded = (CGI::escape(p[0].to_s) +
             "=" + CGI::escape(p[1].to_s))
  # Ensure spaces are encoded as '%20', not '+'
  encoded.gsub('+', '%20')
params_string = encoded_params.join("&")

# Generate the request description string
req_desc =
  method + "\n" + + "\n" +
  uri.request_uri + "\n" +

# Generate the HMAC signature, using the SHA 256 digest
signature = generate_signature(req_desc, digest='sha256')

For anyone following along with the original code, I also adjusted the generate_signature method to accept an optional digest parameter that specifies the encryption algorithm to use:

def generate_signature(request_description, digest='sha1')
  raise "aws_access_key is not set" if not @aws_access_key
  raise "aws_secret_key is not set" if not @aws_secret_key

  digest_generator =
  digest = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest_generator,
  b64_sig = encode_base64(digest)
  return b64_sig

Of course, in addition to the ability to generate version 2 signatures, the AWS class should retain the ability to generate version 1 signatures if the client requests it. Download the final updated AWS.rb class file to see all the changes -- they are mostly in the do_query method.

Tags: AWS
