Point Chrome's RSS Subscription Extension to Feedly


With Google Reader about to bite the dust, I have been using Feedly as an alternative and I'm pretty happy with it -- especially since the Reeder iOS app will soon support Feedly as its backend.

As of today, Feedly seems to have switched from using Google Reader as their backend to their own Normandy infrastructure.

This means that, from this point on, feeds added to Google Reader will no longer be reflected in Feedly. So it was time for me to reconfigue the Chrome browser RSS Subscription Extension tool to add new feeds directly to Feedly instead of Google Reader.

To do this:

  1. Open the extension's options, e.g. via Tools > Extensions.
  2. Hit the Add... button to add a new feed reader.
  3. Set the Description to "Feedly" or whatever you like, and set the URL to http://cloud.feedly.com/#subscription/feed/%s
    (was http://www.feedly.com/home#subscription/feed/%s, thanks to Gary Oppenhuis for the updated URL).
  4. Save the new entry, and make sure it's your default.

Thanks to Christina Davis for documenting this process as a comment in the Reviews section of the extension's home page. Hopefully putting the instructions here will make it easier for others to find, since I couldn't find a way to link directly to the comment.

Tags: Tips
